
Friday, 19 August 2011

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terriers are more than mid-size. This rare Russian breed is robust and strong with a good nervous system. Large, powerful, stable and alert. The blocky shaped head should be powerfully built with a broad skull and a long head. The mustache and beard add to the squaring off of the muzzle. The stop should be well-defined but not pronounced. The nose is large, and fully pigmented, black in color. The lips are full, rounded and black at the ridges and the jaws are large and powerful. The mouth should be meaty and if it is not, it is a major default in the show ring. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The dark eyes are medium-sized and set apart. Rims should be black and almond-shaped. The ears are triangular in shape with a rounded apex and pendular. Cropped ears are not acceptable. The length of the ear should reach the outside corner of the eyelids. The ears are set rather high. The neck should be thick, muscular and powerful. The length of the body should be in direct proportion to the height at the withers - giving it a square look. The whithers raise over the backline and the croup is lightly descending to a high set tail. There should not be pendulous or excessive dewlap. The very large, bear-like feet have tough, black, thick pads and the nails are large and dark in color. The body is well proportioned with the trunk outline lying within a rectangle. Length of the body should be in direct proportion to the height at the withers. Topline should be level but not appearing flat or straight. The forelegs should be set straight and well-boned. Shoulders should be large, muscular, and well developed with blades broad and sloping. Elbows should be neither in nor out. The legs should be covered with 2 to 4 inches of coarse hair. The feet are very large, fully covered with hair and with large black pads. The hindquarters are well-boned and muscular with a high degree of angulation. The hocks are large and developed for spring and drive. The legs and feet are well covered. The appearance is full. The legs should be parallel to each other. The Black Russian Terrier has a strong, powerful, and well coordinated gait. They appear to be light on their feet. The tail is cropped and set high. The waterproof coat should be black. White or brown markings are disqualifying. The appearance of individual grey hairs within the coat is expected. The coat may appear full or hand stripped. The texture of the coat should be somewhat coarse - the extent depending on whether it is full or hand stripped. The beard and muzzle should never be touched.

Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

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