Thursday, 18 August 2011

Black Angel Fish

Common Name Black Angel
Scientific Name Pterophyllum scalare species
Family Cichlidae
Community Aggressive
Class Cichlids
Temperature 78 �F
Swimming Range Middle
Adult Length 5-6 inches
Feeding Habits Fresh spinach, lettuce, zucchini and peas. Live fish, blood worms, glass worms, brine shrimp and tubifex worms. Frozen daphnia, plankton, beef heart, brine shrimp, glass worms and blood worms. Freeze dried foods also accepted
Compatibility A territorial fish that likes to school when younger. Adult angels will pair off as they mature. They are usually peaceful with the same sized fish, unless they are breeding. Breeding angels are usually aggressive towards all other tankmates.
Habitat Amazon: Densely decorated with rocks, driftwood, plastic and live plants. Live plants may be nibbled on, but are a good source of vegetation for the angels. Breeding When it is time to breed the male and female both have a breeding tube which is visible underneath their body. The male's breeding tube pointed. During spawning 1000 or more eggs can be produced, and both parents will care for the eggs and the fry.
Additional Comments When in shock or frightened, the angel may lay on their side at the bottom of the tank. After a while they will regain their equilibrium and resume normal swimming patterns.

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