Wildlife Pictures contain pictures and information about animals such as Tigers,Panthers,Wolves,Cats,Dogs and birds like Eagle,Parrot,Pigeons,Sparrows,Peacocks as well as sea life i.e Jellyfish,Dolphins,Fish,Crocodiles and All those creations which you like.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Manx wallpapers
The Manx cats are very distinct because of their peculiar backs that end in a shortened tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded look that makes them more adorable and cuddly.
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Manx wallpapers
Standard POODLE
The Standard Poodle is a medium to large-sized dog. When groomed to show dog standards the body is meant to give off a square appearance. It has approximately the same length as the height at the withers. The skull is moderately rounded with a slight but definite stop. It has a long, straight muzzle. The dark, oval shaped eyes are set somewhat far apart and are black or brown. The ears hang close to the head and are long and flat. Both the front and back legs are in proportion with the size of the dog. The topline is level. The tail is set and carried high. It is sometimes docked to half it's length or less to make the dog look more balanced. Dewclaws may be removed. The oval shaped feet are rather small and the toes are arched. The coat is either curly or corded. It comes in all solid colors including black, blue, silver, gray, cream, apricot, red, white, brown, or cafe-au-lait. While it does not make the written show standard, some breeders are breeding parti-colored poodles.
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Standard POODLE
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
BOXER(Dog breed)
Height : Male 22.5-25;Female;21-23.5;
Breed Group : Working
Weight: Male 60-80: Female50-65;
The Boxer originated in Germany in the late 19th century. This breed's name was supposedly derived from the "boxing" motion they made with their front paws. Boxers are stocky and medium in size with strong jaws and a powerful bite. They are widely used in search and rescue, police work, and military work.
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BOXER(Dog breed)
Affenpinscher Temperature
Affenpinscher is German for Monkey Dog, and the Affenpinscher is every bit as active and playful as his name implies. These are peppy, plucky, busy, fun-loving, mischievous, and sometimes conniving dogs. The Affenpinscher is a small dog with a big attitude! Sometimes they are too intelligent for their own good. Obedience training can be tricky with this breed. The Affenpinscher is loyal, affectionate and devoted toward his master and friends. He is always ready to protect his owner, his home, and his family's possessions. They are very good watchdogs, reserved with strangers, and fearless toward any aggressor. This little dog thinks he is far larger than he is. An Affenpinscher parent will need to remain vigilant that his little guy does not pick a fight with a dog ten times his size! These hardy dogs are very active indoors. Most of their exercise needs can be met with indoor play, but they do enjoy daily outdoor walks. They are charming little comedians and will entertain you by throwing their toys up in the air and walking around on their hind legs, just for fun. They are generally quiet, but can have erratic, nervous reactions to stimuli that they find nerve-wracking: noise, people, animals, and especially children. It is very important to socialize this breed to help thwart this tendency to freak out. Affenpinschers do not particularly like kids, but pose no threat to them. This is a toy breed that can easily be injured by a child who means no harm. An Affenpinscher can and will bite if provoked, so children must be taught to be respectful with him. While this is a smart breed, and while they will quickly learn things that interest them, they are notoriously slow at housetraining. They also like to eat weird things so that you have to take them to the vet: rocks, lipstick, candy wrappers, dead bugs, etc. These loving dogs will want to be with you all the time. They will crave your attention and companionship and will want to cuddle and sit on your lap. And they will show you their sensitive, gentle side, once they are certain you can handle it.
Affenpinscher Training
The Affenpinscher is intelligent and quite easy to train. He learns new commands quickly at an above average rate.
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Thursday, 25 August 2011
wild life pictures
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The Kea (pronounced /ˈkeɪ.ə/; Māori: [kɛ.a]) (Nestor notabilis) is a large species of parrot (family Strigopidae) found in forested and alpine regions of the South Island of New Zealand. Measuring around 48 cm (19 in) in length, it is mostly olive-green with a brilliant orange under its wings and has a large narrow curved grey-brown upper beak. The Kea is the world's only alpine parrot. Its omnivorous diet includes carrion but consists mainly of roots, leaves, berries, nectar, and insects. Now uncommon, the Kea was once killed for bounty due to concerns by the sheep farming community that it attacked livestock, especially sheep. It only received full protection in 1986.
The Kea nests in burrows or crevices among the roots of trees. Kea are known for their intelligence and curiosity, both vital to their survival in a harsh mountain environment. Kea can solve logical puzzles, such as pushing and pulling things in a certain order to get to food, and will work together to achieve a certain objective.
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Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Afghan Hound
He was called "the dog of Noah's Ark" by tribesmen hunters of Afghanistan.
Earlier beliefs and even today many believe the Afghan Hound is the most ancient of breeds. The actual age of the breed is disputed with each reading, each author and each generation, but most acknowledge the Afghan Hound history goes back to approximately 8,000 years. Long-haired greyhound dog types were pictured and described in Egypt of 4000 B.C.
In his native land, Afghanistan, the Afghan Hound excelled as a hunter where he was used against a variety of wild game, such as the antelope, gazelle and snow leopard.
Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound
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Afghan Hound
There are hundreds of different kinds of fish that can be kept as pets. Goldfish are the most commonly kept pet fish because they live in cold water.Tropical fish need to be kept in an aquarium with a filter to keep the water clean. Some tropical fish need heated water and lights.
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Unlike many other types of herps, like alligators or snakes, frogs have the wonderful ability to adapt to different situations. They can live long lives given proper care from an outdoor pond to a large tank!
Creating the proper tank environment, however, requires a bit of thought. This section is dedicated to helping you find the best tank set-up for your frog.
Ideally, your frogs housing will depend on its natural habitat. Because your frog tank will need to be waterproof, and since frogs, unlike many reptiles, can be easily damaged when jumping against the walls of a new environment, it is generally recommended that you obtain an aquarium from your pet store rather than go through the trouble of building one yourself. (Unless you know alot about building glass tanks)
Creating the proper tank environment, however, requires a bit of thought. This section is dedicated to helping you find the best tank set-up for your frog.
Ideally, your frogs housing will depend on its natural habitat. Because your frog tank will need to be waterproof, and since frogs, unlike many reptiles, can be easily damaged when jumping against the walls of a new environment, it is generally recommended that you obtain an aquarium from your pet store rather than go through the trouble of building one yourself. (Unless you know alot about building glass tanks)
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African Dwarf Frog
The African Dwarf Frog can be an interesting pet for your child.
It is relatively easy to take care of and is quite unique when you keep it as a pet.
You can’t bond with them as easily as the above common pets but you can always learn to love them as much.
These are cute little fellows and will make an interesting addition to your aquarium. They are also small creatures and never grow bigger than an inch long.
It’s advisable to put them in an aquarium of their own if you do not want them to starve as they are very slow and by the time they want to go and eat, other aquarium fishes would have ate everything. Besides the slow speed, the frogs are also dumb.
These guys cannot survive for a long time when they are out of water. They are so dependant on water for survival just like you are dependant on oxygen from the dry sky.
They can breathe in air unlike fish but they quickly dry up when out of water. Make sure you secure your aquarium so that they do not escape.
African Dwarf Frog
African Dwarf Frog
African Dwarf Frog
African Dwarf Frog
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African Dwarf Frog
Jorge Luis Borges poem pack 3
Jorge Luis Borges was born in an educated middle-class family in August 1899. They were in comfortable circumstances, but not wealthy enough to live in downtown Buenos Aires. They resided in Palermo, then a poorer suburb of the city. Borges's mother, Leonor Acevedo Suárez, came from a traditional Uruguayan family of "pure" criollo (Spanish) descent. Her family had been much involved in the European settling of South America and she spoke often of their heroic actions.[9] Borges's 1929 book Cuaderno San Martín includes the poem "Isidoro Acevedo," commemorating his grandfather, Isidoro de Acevedo Laprida, a soldier of the Buenos Aires Army. A descendant of the Argentine lawyer and politician Francisco Narciso de Laprida, Acevedo fought in the battles of Cepeda in 1859, Pavón in 1861, and Los Corrales in 1880. Isidoro de Acevedo Laprida died of pulmonary congestion in the house where his grandson Jorge Luis Borges was born. Borges grew up hearing about the faded family glory. On the other side, Borges's father, Jorge Guillermo Borges Haslam, was part Spanish, part Portuguese, and half English, also the son of a colonel. Borges Haslam, whose mother was English, grew up speaking English at home, and took his own family frequently to Europe. England and English pervaded the family home.
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Jorge Luis Borges Poems |
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Jorge Luis Borges Poems |
A Patio
they grow weary, the patio’s two or three colours.
Tonight, the moon, bright circle,
fails to dominate space.
Patio, channel of sky.
The patio is the slope
down which sky flows into the house.
eternity waits at the crossroad of stars.
It’s pleasant to live in the friendly dark
of entrance-way, arbour, and cistern.
with the docility of a page
that frequent devotion questions
and inside, my gaze
has no need to fix on objects
that already exist, exact, in memory.
I know the customs and souls
and that dialect of allusions
that every human gathering goes weaving.
I’ve no need to speak
nor claim false privilege;
they know me well who surround me here,
know well my afflictions and weakness.
This is to reach the highest thing,
that Heaven perhaps will grant us:
not admiration or victory
but simply to be accepted
as part of an undeniable Reality,
like stones and trees.
There must be one (but which) that I’ve walked
Already one last time, indifferently
And without knowing it, submitting
To One who sets up omnipotent laws
And a secret and a rigid measure
For the shadows, the dreams, and forms
That work the warp and weft of this life.
If all things have a limit and a value
A last time nothing more and oblivion
Who can say to whom in this house
Unknowingly, we have said goodbye?
Already through the grey glass night ebbs
And among the stack of books that throws
A broken shadow on the unlit table,
There must be one I will never read.
In the South there’s more than one worn gate
With its masonry urns and prickly pear
Where my entrance is forbidden
As it were within a lithograph.
Forever there’s a door you have closed,
And a mirror that waits for you in vain;
The crossroad seems wide open to you
And there a four-faced Janus watches.
There is, amongst your memories, one
That has now been lost irreparably;
You’ll not be seen to visit that well
Under white sun or yellow moon.
Your voice cannot recapture what the Persian
Sang in his tongue of birds and roses,
When at sunset, as the light disperses,
You long to speak imperishable things.
And the incessant Rhone and the lake,
All that yesterday on which today I lean?
They will be as lost as that Carthage
The Romans erased with fire and salt.
At dawn I seem to hear a turbulent
Murmur of multitudes who slip away;
All who have loved me and forgotten;
Space, time and Borges now leaving me
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Jorge Luis Borges poem pack 3
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
jorge luis borges birthday
Borges was an Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer. Much of his work is rich in fantasy and metaphorical allegory, including the story collection Ficciones, which won him an international following. In the 1920s, Borges was afflicted by a worsening hereditary blindness and was totally blind by the mid-1950s. Forced to abandon the writing of long texts, he began dictating his works. What literary movement is Borges credited with establishing in South America
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jorge luis borges birthday
American Curl
The American Curl’s most distinctive features are its luxurious plumed tail, large walnut-shaped eyes, and backward-curling ears that give the cat a happily surprised expression. The ear-curling gene, which arose due to a spontaneous mutation, is dominant, meaning that any kitten with one curl-eared parent might inherit the trait.
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American Curl
The Belgian Malinois is a very-fast-learning, highly-trainable, high-energy, versatile working dog. They can make great pets for highly-active, high-energy families. But a Belgian Malinois will not be happy unless he gets lots of daily exercise and has a job to do. Because of this breed's trainability and intelligence, Belgian Malinois are often used today as police dogs, military dogs, and homeland security dogs. Domestic Belgian Malinois excel at obedience, schutzhund, agility, flyball, Frisbee, herding, sledding, and tracking. It doesn't matter so much what their job is, as long as they have one. These are busy "perpetual motion" dogs who need more than just a daily walk. They enjoy hiking, running, and biking, and make good jogging partners. They do best with a fenced-in area to thrash around in. (The alternative is the Malinois zipping around your house, leaping over furniture and smashing into things.) The Malinois is very loving toward his family and reserved toward strangers. They are naturally protective of their owners without being aggressive. They make good watchdogs as they are incredibly alert and will notice sights, sounds, and smells that you don't. They have a high prey drive and will chase small animals. Many Malinois will chase vehicles. When raised around children, Malinois are good with them. However, young children need to be taught not to run past the Malinois waving their arms and shrieking, as this may trigger the Malinois' prey drive. Also, keep in mind that Malinois are tremendously physical animals and might run into a child accidentally... over and over again. He might also try to herd children. (He might also try to herd you and other animals in the house, sometimes all at the same time.) The Malinois is extremely sensitive and social and will want to be part of your family. If he feels neglected, he will entertain himself. By digging holes in your mattress.
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